
By Adi
August 25, 2012
2 min read
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Ekowise is an independent and open movement based on a connection of eco and artistic activism which operates through activities of artists in correspondence with nature. If you imagine a freedom of innovation and artwork creation which serves not only as craftwork exhibit or short-term hit, but as an act or a piece through which you directly influence changes around you, then you can easily figurate this idea.

Ekowise’s purpose is to connect seemingly incompatible things, untamed creative and free human nature and the environment as the basis of everything into one open ecosystem. Earth is a big atelier, infinite inspirational creative space enriched with human imagination. Such studio requires its artists. So one of the main goals is to connect you (artist, musician, desginer ...) with our foundations and lead you a step further in attempts to change the world and consciousness towards something better.

If you really wish to make change, no less ambitious than change of the world or consciousness of humanity towards something better – you now have the unique opportunity! Whether you’re an artist / art group, ecologist / eco community /organization, or simply an eco conscious individual, you can regularly contribute to the spread of your own ideas, the spread of common wave of consciousness.

For starters, as an individual, look at the world from the point of view of a person which by everyday acts improves itself, society, and nature without harmful or negative side-effects on any of the three mentioned elements. If you are willing to help the evolution of this movement, the least you can do is spread the word and info about this project to your circle of friends, associates, as well as through internet, that is social web networks. Go green!!!

You can visit official Ekowise website (www.ekowise.com)  blog (www.ekowise.com/blog) and additionally you can find my design process and showcase for this project (http://bit.ly/PmQGzh).

*Update: Ekowise project was archived in 2014.


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